Our Commitments

  • We believe that all creation BELONGS to YHWH, the Creator God, and that as we, the bearers of His image, come to accept this, we begin to discover that we also BELONG to one another, a people created for His good purposes. (see Deuteronomy 10:14-15 and Galatians 3:23-29)

  • BELONGING to God and to one another leads us to seek to GROW in the grace of knowing and experiencing Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of all creation. GROWING in knowing Him helps us discover and live into humanity’s identity and purpose in life. (see 2 Peter 3:14-18)

  • Following Jesus bears the fruit of us GROWING in loving and SERVING one another as Jesus has loved and SERVED us. God's Spirit calls all humanity to this, something unique to the bearers of His divine image. (see John 13:12-17 and Galatians 5:13-14)

  • As the graces of BELONGING, GROWING, and SERVING deepen and manifest in and through us, personally and collectively, we become people who lovingly, freely give these graces away as we GO throughout life, making room for others to BELONG, GROW, SERVE, and GO. (see Matthew 28:16-20)


What We Believe


We affirm both the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed. These are two expressions of what followers of Jesus have believed for centuries, and lay out the essentials of the Christian faith: Believing in God the Father (YHWH, the God of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament Scriptures, the Creator of all things), believing in God the Son (Jesus as both Savior and Lord of all), believing in God the Holy Spirit (God with us today, living in and through the Church of Jesus), and other specifics. Both of these documents are truly worth 10 minutes of your time, so click the links and read through them.

Our affirmation of what they teach leads us to actively pursue following Jesus today, loving and worshiping God the Father, Son, and Spirit in thought, word, and action. This love and worship of God is chiefly displayed in how we treat one another, our neighbors, and our enemies. As you read through our Core Commitments, you’ll see this unpacked a bit more.



We’re a part of the Anglican Church in North America. Anglicanism is the third largest Christian tradition worldwide (After the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions), involving more than 90 million people. Formally established in England in 1534, the roots of our heritage actually go as far back as the first or second centuries in the Celtic Isles, so, we’re also one of the oldest Christian traditions in the world.

In recent history, the Anglican Church in Rwanda has experienced a beautiful spiritual awakening, something that came about as they boldly sought to become an instrument of reconciliation in the wake of the devastating genocide of 1994. As these brothers and sisters began experiencing God in powerful, loving ways, they also began to notice a crisis of faith that was taking place here in the West.

As a result, in the year 2000, the Archbishop of Rwanda took unprecedented measures, establishing the Anglican Mission in America. The Mission Abbey (of which Mission Red Bank is a part) was born in that movement and represents one of hundreds of communities of faith that were established in the Americas in the 2000’s. Today, our Abbey (and of course our Parish), are members of the Anglican Diocese of the South (ADOTS), which is part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).


Still have questions?

Please reach out and let us
know how we can help.

  • We affirm both the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed. These are two expressions of what followers of Jesus have believed for centuries, and lay out the essentials of the Christian faith: Believing in God the Father (YHWH, the God of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament Scriptures, the Creator of all things), believing in God the Son (Jesus as both Savior and Lord of all), believing in God the Holy Spirit (God with us today, living in and through the Church of Jesus), and other specifics. Both of these documents are truly worth 10 minutes of your time, so click the links and read through them.

    Our affirmation of what they teach leads us to actively pursue following Jesus today, loving and worshipping God the Father, Son, and Spirit in thought, word, and action. This love and worship of God is chiefly displayed in how we treat one another, our neighbors, and our enemies. As you read through our Core Commitments, you’ll see this unpacked a bit more.

  • Belong

    We believe that all creation BELONGS to YHWH, the Creator God, and that as we, the bearers of His image, come to accept this, we begin to discover that we also BELONG to one another, a people created for His good purposes. (see Deuteronomy 10:14-15 and Galatians 3:23-29)


    BELONGING to God and to one another leads us to seek to GROW in the grace of knowing and experiencing Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of all creation. GROWING in knowing Him helps us discover and live into humanity’s identity and purpose in life. (see 2 Peter 3:14-18)


    Following Jesus bears the fruit of us GROWING in loving and SERVING one another as Jesus has loved and SERVED us. God's Spirit calls all humanity to this, something unique to the bearers of His divine image. (see John 13:12-17 and Galatians 5:13-14)


    As the graces of BELONGING, GROWING, and SERVING deepen and manifest in and through us, personally and collectively, we become people who lovingly, freely give these graces away as we GO throughout life, making room for others to BELONG, GROW, SERVE, and GO. (see Matthew 28:16-20)

  • We’re a part of the Anglican Church in North America. Anglicanism is the third largest Christian tradition worldwide (After the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions), involving more than 90 million people. Formally established in England in 1534, the roots of our heritage actually go as far back as the first or second centuries in the Celtic Isles, so, we’re also one of the oldest Christian traditions in the world.

    In recent history, the Anglican Church in Rwanda has experienced a beautiful spiritual awakening, something that came about as they boldly sought to become an instrument of reconciliation in the wake of the devastating genocide of 1994. As these brothers and sisters began experiencing God in powerful, loving ways, they also began to notice a crisis of faith that was taking place here in the West. As a result, in the year 2000, the Archbishop of Rwanda took unprecedented measures, establishing the Anglican Mission in America. The Mission Abbey (of which Mission Red Bank is a part) was born in that movement and represents one of hundreds of communities of faith that were established in the Americas in
    the 2000’s.

    Today, our Abbey (and of course our Parish), are members of the Anglican Diocese of the South (ADOTS), which is part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).


Still have questions?

Please reach out and let us
know how we can help.